Join Us!

We need your help!  We’re looking for concerned citizens throughout Queens who are interested in helping monitor and influence street safety discussions in their communities. We’re building a network of individuals who are interested in attending community board meetings, police precinct community councils, Vision Zero workshops, and other events in their areas, sharing information on what pedestrian safety issues are discussed, writing letters to elected officials, and speaking out in favor of pedestrian safety improvements.

See what’s going on by following @MakeQueensSafer on Twitter and the “Make Queens Safer/3 Children Too Many Group” on Facebook.

Meet others working to bring safer streets to Queens by attending a meeting of the Transportation Alternatives Queens Activist Committee, which meets monthly in Jackson Heights, or the new Eastern Queens Committee, which meets in Flushing and other locations

And write to us at MakeQueensSafer at gmail to let us know what’s going on in your area.